Friday, July 31, 2009

nothing left to say



thx God for every countless miracle you've given

hope this can be the best way for me

guide me through this choice, God!

thx yaaaaaaaaaaaa everyone, FTI fight for youuu! keep on struggle, keep dreaming, keep me close to you God ;)
and congratulations for you all my bridgingmates! trust me its best for you from Him. success on your own way! ;)

(sorry, over euphoria nih hehehe)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

nothing last forever

i do believe on that everlasting statement that the statement stucks and turns around in my head in this entire day

ya, i have many concrete examples, like these:

elementary school time
(saking nothing last forevernya sampe gapunya foto pas sd lagi selain ini)

junior high school time

senior high school time
(atau lebih tepatnya acceleration time karena ga kerasa feel anak sma-nya, but i really do love it )

and recently, bridging time


the only obvious fact i've realize is i'll always keep that thousand memories of the past in my head, the bad and good ones ;)

ah yaa, for the acceleration time, i may write it again and again on this week (idontknowwhybecausetherearetoomanystoriestoomanyhappinesstoomanywordstoosay or i am too much abot that?haha)

Monday, July 27, 2009

after tiding this blog up yoohooo

wah wah pangling euy, blog saha iyeu teh? hahahaha (sunda mode:on)

baru pulang dari bandung tengah malam tadi nih tiba2 aja kangen pengen nulis lagi tapiii, oh tidak gw baru sadar kalo my old blog sangat tidak layak disebut blog! akhirnya gw make over dah tuh blognya dan jeng jeeeeenggg jadilah blog eksotis nan anggun nan keren ini.. :PP
(ehmm, sebenernya ga beda jauh juga sih)

oke oke, hope my blog new appearence brings us lotta joy and tempts me to write more and more and moreeee ((!)writing, not garbage-ing) and see yaaa later :DD

p.s: gawaaaaaaaaaat, baru sadar kalo cara ngomong gw ko makin cinca laura aja yaa? hyaaah bodoooo blog blog gw iniii :PPP