Saturday, May 11, 2013

Randomness of Mine

00.02, in the middle of the night.
Many tasks, assignments, materials to learn for final exam........ worries.
My sister has already fallen asleep in the bed.
But i'm glad, because couple hours ago, i just got a new insight/point of view/perspective about life. Weird. I know. But have you ever met a similar case like mine? It is hard to explain. The insight just suddenly came to my mind and it was very vivid. In my mother of tounge -indonesian-, it's called "hidayah". This insight makes me feel more enjoyable to live and give me strength to face many problems (which is had by everybody). It makes a problem look smaller. It helps me to look in a bigger view so anything on it looks smaller. I'm glad. I'm grateful.

1 orang sukses:

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